Neolithic Prints
Richard is interested in the power and sheer volume of Neolithic standing stones. He removes landscape context and detail so the focus is entirely on the stones themselves. He believes this mirrors the interest of Neolithic people themselves, who used stone in every aspect of their lives, traded particular rock across vast disances and were prepared to transport huge megaliths and erect them with incredible effort.
Some prints include blind embossing; where shaped and uninked plates are used to raise the surface of the paper. Richard uses this technique to depict the cup and ring marks; another aspect of Neolithic culture. He suggests the link between megalithis and the movement of the stars and planets by placing the cup and ring marks in the “sky”
Find out what I’m working on at the moment on my Updates page.
How to buy
Richard's etchings are available through galleries, exhibitions and direct from the artist. Prices range from £65 to £400. Please email if you are interested in any of his prints or you are a gallery interested in representing Richard.